Subpar Talks
Dec. 6, 2022

E17 - Seinfeld One Hit Wonders

One of the things that made Seinfeld so great was the characters—major ones, minor ones, and those who graced us with only one appearance. This week, we celebrate Seinfeld one-hit wonders—those actors who appeared on the show only once (not including the finale) and definitely left an indelible mark on TV’s greatest sitcom. 

 Hosted by Chris and Jeff

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[00:00:00] Jeff: This week, all the best one hit wonders. Welcome to Subpar Talks.

Hey everybody. Welcome to Subpar Talks, where we have conversations about everything. I'm Jeff. 

[00:00:27] Chris: And I'm Chris. 

[00:00:29] Jeff: Thank you for joining us for another episode here. And as always, you know the drill. Here comes our standard disclaimer, listener discretion advised. There will be profanity on this podcast from time to time, perhaps a lot of it. And we tend to touch on some hot button issues, touchy subjects, and we inject humor into all of this stuff. So if that doesn't set well with you, then maybe this is not your type of podcast and that's OK. But for everybody else, sit back, grab your favorite beverage because here we go with this week's topic.

We are talking about Seinfeld. And so, I said grab your favorite beverage. Maybe you should grab a Snapple. 

[00:01:20] Chris: Yoohoo. 

[00:01:21] Jeff: Yoohoo. Yeah, that'll work. Junior Mints, Jujyfruits, Drake's Coffee Cake. We could go on and on with that. 

[00:01:29] Chris: Pepsi and Ring Dings. 

[00:01:31] Jeff: The Ringings. Yes. And Pepsi . If you get those references, then you're right where you need to be, because Chris and I, as we've said before, we are huge Seinfeld fans. And so every once in a while, we are gonna do some type of episode related to Seinfeld. And so this will be our first such episode. And today we are listing our personal favorite characters who appeared on Seinfeld only once. So this is a bit of a deep dive into Seinfeld. And you can put a little asterisk next to appeared only once, because we are not counting the finale. The finale of Seinfeld, they brought a whole bunch of people back and so we're not including that. So these are characters who appeared on just one regular show, excluding the finale. And the way we're gonna do it is we're just gonna alternate and we're gonna count down. We've got our top 10 lists. So Chris is gonna go first. He'll give us his number 10. Then I'll tell everybody if that one's on my list, and we'll just work our way down to number one and talk about these characters, and of course, the shows that they're in. And we'll have some good Seinfeld fun. All right. You go first. Give us your number 10.

[00:03:04] Chris: All right. My number 10 was Gary Fogel in The Scofflaw. 

[00:03:09] Jeff: Gary Fogel is number four on my list. 

[00:03:14] Chris: Wow. Alright. 

[00:03:15] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:03:16] Chris: That's a big difference. 

[00:03:18] Jeff: So he is your number 10. Why do you like Gary? 

[00:03:21] Chris: Well, his catchphrase being "Good for you, Jack". But the very idea, you know, that he's pretending to have cancer to get his toupee. The whole episode was just a great episode.

[00:03:37] Jeff: It is. So, yeah, the, the backstory for those of you who don't know, Gary Fogel pretended he had cancer. Jerry thought he had cancer. George thought he had cancer. Everybody thought he had cancer. Jerry buys him a lifetime supply to the Hair Team for Men, right? Cuz he is gonna be losing his hair because of the chemo. So Gary Fogel gets a toupee, and uh, he's got all this confidence, right? So then George, who is severely lacking in confidence, decides that he wants a toupee and he gets it. And it works for a while, I guess. But the way he delivers those lines, "Good for you, Jack". I can't tell you how many times I say that. I probably drive my wife crazy by saying, "Good for you, Jack". I've even gotten my kids saying it. 

[00:04:28] Chris: All right. Bringing them up right. 

[00:04:30] Jeff: Absolutely. Just the way he delivers those lines, it's great. Do you remember what Gary Fogel's fate was? What happened to him? 

[00:04:39] Chris: I do. He died in a car wreck, adjusting his toupee. 

[00:04:45] Jeff: Yeah, he did. So yeah, he never actually had cancer. Uh, he died in a car wreck, adjusting his toupee and ran off the road. Do you know Jon Lovitz from anything, like, besides that? He's one of those characters to me that he'll just pop up every once in a while in something, but I couldn't really tell you what those are.

[00:05:10] Chris: I can't either. I, I don't know at the time, you know, it's hard to put yourself back at that point and think, what did I know then? He is a familiar person, but I don't know why either. I feel like I've seen him in probably two or three other things, but I never can place it. 

[00:05:30] Jeff: I first knew about him from Saturday Night Live. So I had to look this up. He was on Saturday Night Live from 1985 to 1990. I didn't regularly start watching that show until it was right around '89 or '90, so that's what I knew him from. I remember he played a character called Hanukkah Harry, who would take over for Santa Claus when Santa Claus was sick, but he's Jewish . So Hanukkah Harry is giving kids all these crappy, cheap gifts. Um, but that was the bit, it was funny. So when Saturday Night Live had their like 30th or 40th, like show or whatever, they were talking about former cast members and they were giving a list of deceased cast members and they had Jon Lovitz on the list. They knew he wasn't dead, but it was just funny, like, what happened to your career?

[00:06:35] Chris: Right. 

[00:06:36] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:06:37] Chris: I think what you said, he's, he's been just kind of sporadically in places where you know him, but it's not like he ever did, besides that, it's not like he ever did anything that was a huge deal. 

[00:06:51] Jeff: I saw him on a celebrity roast, one of those celebrity roasts on Comedy Central, which are just absolutely brutal. But they will, I mean they have the roasters, but whoever's speaking will roast the roasters before they get to the person that it's actually for. And I don't remember who said this, but Jon Lovitz was one of the roasters, and uh, the guy told him to come out of the closet already. There hasn't been a Jew in the closet this long since Anne Frank.

[00:07:25] Chris: Well, that's rough. 

[00:07:27] Jeff: Yeah, it is. I don't know if he's actually gay, but that was a damn funny line. OK, so you had Gary Fogel at number 10. He was my number four. So here comes my number 10. Number 10 is Seth. 

[00:07:41] Chris: All right. That's my number nine, so that's close. 

[00:07:44] Jeff: OK. OK, so you can cross nine off your list. So I had Seth. Uh, Seth is from the episode The Chicken Roaster, which is, uh, from season eight. So Seth is a friend, and we can put friend in quotes, of Jerry's from college because he only knew him through Moochie, somebody named Moochie. Who it turns out is dead. Remember, Moochie's dead.

[00:08:12] Chris: Yeah, that's right. 

[00:08:13] Jeff: Because Jerry asked him whatever happened to Moochie and Seth says he's dead. 

[00:08:18] Chris: He's dead. 

[00:08:19] Jeff: Is that right? So he runs into Jerry at the beginning of that episode and he is talking about how he's a big executive at whatever company, I don't remember. And then they have a big meeting coming up and Jerry's like, oh, blow that off, and Seth is like, OK. So they have lunch or whatever. And then Seth ends up getting fired, and he has to become the assistant manager then at the Kenny Rogers Roaster, which is across the street from Kramer's window. 

[00:08:50] Chris: So when he tried to get him to skip the meeting, he said, do you remember Poly Sci? 

[00:08:57] Jeff: Yes.

[00:08:58] Chris: That was the class they blew off. Did you take offense to that? 

[00:09:02] Jeff: I did not, but I think about that, and every time I hear somebody use that, that phrase, Poly Sci. I, I think of this episode. How could I not? 

[00:09:13] Chris: Yeah. That whole episode was so great, and it's not like, to me, I have to have Seth on the list because of the episode. There were certainly funny things about his character. He made it out like they were friends and they weren't even that great of friends. He skips the meeting, gets fired from his job. I just remembered this. He wants the classifieds from Jerry's apartment when he is looking, trying to find another job. There's so many things in that that's just great. 

[00:09:47] Jeff: Well, Jerry didn't even let him have it. He said he hadn't read Tank McNamara yet. 

[00:09:51] Chris: That's right. 

[00:09:53] Jeff: And uh, Jerry comes home and Kramer says, hey, your friend Seth stopped by. He said, oh yeah, what did he have to say? Yeah, he was fired. He's so, uh, kind of the cluelessness and just the carefree attitude, but that lands him an assistant job at Kenny Rogers Roaster.

[00:10:12] Chris: Yes. And he said he was the manager. He wasn't. He was just an assistant manager. 

[00:10:18] Jeff: Right. That's why I couldn't get the sign turned off. 

[00:10:20] Chris: Right. 

[00:10:22] Jeff: Did you ever eat at a Kenny Rogers Roaster?

[00:10:25] Chris: I didn't. I don't think I even knew about 'em until I saw the show. Then I did hear about them, but I don't know if I was ever around one.

[00:10:35] Jeff: I ate at one once and I don't remember being impressed with it at all. Which, maybe that's why it went outta business. 

[00:10:41] Chris: Well, guess that's what happened to it. 

[00:10:44] Jeff: Right. OK, so Seth is my number 10. I'm crossing Seth off the list. All right, your turn. Who do you got at number nine? 

[00:10:53] Chris: Well, Seth was nine, so now I gotta go to... 

[00:10:55] Jeff: Oh, that's right.

[00:10:56] Chris: Eight. 

[00:10:57] Jeff: OK. 

[00:10:58] Chris: Eight is the Bubble Boy. 

[00:11:00] Jeff: The Bubble Boy. The Bubble Boy, believe it or not, is not even on my list. 

[00:11:06] Chris: So, I don't care for the Bubble Boy. 

[00:11:09] Jeff: No, he is very annoying. 

[00:11:11] Chris: I don't like the Bubble Boy, but, it was a huge thing in terms of the show at the time. 

[00:11:19] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:11:19] Chris: Like, the, the Bubble Boy was this, kind of took on a, a, a life of its own. That was the one where the cabin got burned down by Kramer. I was trying to think. There were a couple of things that came from it. One, when they were playing, well, two things when they were playing Trivial Pursuit with him, is when he said, "How's it going? Not too good." 

[00:11:44] Jeff: Yep. 

[00:11:45] Chris: And then the, the whole Moops thing.

[00:11:48] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:11:49] Chris: When it was supposed to be the Moors and it was a misprint. 

[00:11:54] Jeff: Again, how could I not think of this? But anytime, like, I watch Jeopardy, Right? And anytime there's anything about the Moors that comes up, you, I mean, you know what I think of. It's like it's inevitable. 

[00:12:06] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:12:07] Jeff: Yeah. And the thing with the Bubble Boy is you, you hear the whole sob story from his dad who, speaking of Yoohoo, drives a Yoohoo truck, and they're, you know, crying at the table except for Jerry. And so you think the Bubble Boy's gonna be this nice, really, you know, sympathetic person and whatever, and he's just an asshole. 

[00:12:30] Chris: Yeah, sure is. 

[00:12:33] Jeff: George walks in with Susan, and he says, how about taking your top off.

[00:12:40] Chris: Man, he must have been in that bubble a long time. 

[00:12:44] Jeff: Do you remember the Bubble Boy's name? 

[00:12:48] Chris: I didn't. I saw it, uh, when I was looking at this, but... 

[00:12:52] Jeff: I only know it because his mom says it, but it, I mean, and that just sticks out to me. But his name is Donald. 

[00:12:59] Chris: Right. So, when I was looking at this, I actually saw his last name and I definitely, I might have been able to come up with his first name, but I'd have had a hard time.

[00:13:09] Jeff: Wow. I have no idea. 

[00:13:11] Chris: Sanger. Donald Sanger. Yeah. 

[00:13:15] Jeff: No, I couldn't have gotten that. I couldn't have gotten that in multiple choice. I'd have no idea. 

[00:13:19] Chris: No. Anyway, yeah, he made my list because of the, the, I guess kind of the gravity of it, like I said, at the time of the show, not because he was a great character. But some things stood out.

[00:13:32] Jeff: Right. Yeah. And that's the thing to remember from this list. Like, some of these characters, I feel like the show makes them more than they make the show. 

[00:13:43] Chris: Absolutely. 

[00:13:43] Jeff: Uh, but that's fine. Yeah. I've, I've got some on my list like that. OK, my number nine is Ramon. 

[00:13:52] Chris: Oh, see, he's not on my list. 

[00:13:55] Jeff: Not on your list. OK. 

[00:13:57] Chris: But that's a great episode.

[00:13:59] Jeff: Yeah, it is. So Ramon is the, is it safe to call him creepy? I think he's a creepy pool guy. 

[00:14:06] Chris: Yeah, he's a stalker. 

[00:14:09] Jeff: Yeah. And he tries to become friends with Jerry. And Jerry just can't handle that cuz he's already got three friends. He can't handle any more. So he gets fired from the health club, uh, because he used too much chlorine, uh, in the pool, right. But then he ends up getting his job back and Jerry has already told him, you know, he can't handle any more friends or whatever. So Ramon is trying to, he's messing with him, right. With the, the big long pole to clean the pool or whatever. He is messing with Jerry. Jerry finally has enough, pulls him into the pool, and then, uh, Newman dives in and like knocks him out.

[00:14:56] Chris: Canonballs him. 

[00:14:56] Jeff: Yes. Uh, yeah, that's a good way to put it. Newman cannonballs him. And they have to try to give him, uh, well, no, they don't. They should've given him CPR, but they, that would require mouth to mouth resuscitation. So... 

[00:15:11] Chris: Could have died! 

[00:15:12] Jeff: They didn't wanna do that. Yeah, he could have died. 

[00:15:13] Chris: Yeah, possible!

[00:15:16] Jeff: They were willing to take the chance.

[00:15:18] Chris: Well, I just loved after that when he's in line at the theater and telling Elaine the story. And she goes, how can you even show your face there? He says, oh, we can't. My membership was revoked. Newman's too. 

[00:15:33] Jeff: Right. And, uh, when Jerry is at the health club and he's, uh, talking to those two guys, fellow coworkers of Ramon. He says, I gotta get going now. And that one guy, to see Ramon? He's all happy. 

[00:15:55] Chris: Yes. The other one's standing there like an idiot. 

[00:15:59] Jeff: Yeah, I know it. I know. 

[00:16:01] Chris: He looks like something's missing. 

[00:16:04] Jeff: Well, definitely something missing on that guy. 

[00:16:07] Chris: Yeah. I love the part in there where he comes by Jerry's apartment and Jerry's trying to get rid of him. He said, I got some stuff to do. He says... 

[00:16:16] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:16:16] Chris: Oh, cool. I'm up for some stuff. 

[00:16:19] Jeff: Jerry says all right. All right, so Ramon was my number nine. That was not on your list. Now what's your number? Eight? 

[00:16:29] Chris: Well, Bubble Boy was eight. So then I gotta go to seven. Seven is the Soup Nazi. 

[00:16:36] Jeff: The Soup Nazi. I have the soup Nazi at number three on my list.

[00:16:40] Chris: All right. Yev Kassem. 

[00:16:43] Jeff: Yev Kassem. Yes. That's his name. We didn't find that out until the finale, but that is indeed his name. 

[00:16:51] Chris: Now that's one where he and the show are just all wrapped up together. 

[00:16:57] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:16:57] Chris: His, his character was great. The whole episode was great. And I didn't know this at the time, it was well after that, when I found out that he was actually based on this real person.

[00:17:12] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:17:12] Chris: You know, that does have a soup, what, I don't know. Soup stand? I, I don't know what it was. 

[00:17:18] Jeff: I've got some information on that. I'll, I'll give that in a second cuz it's an interesting little backstory. But yeah, Soup Nazi's a great character. I think probably that character is more well known than anybody else we're gonna have on our list. Just because that "No soup for you" has become ubiquitous. It's just, it's everywhere. 

[00:17:44] Chris: Yes. 

[00:17:44] Jeff: Even people who don't really know Seinfeld, they know that line. 

[00:17:48] Chris: Right. Yeah, it's great how much that stuck around. One thing that disappointed, me as time went by, was finding out that that guy, the actor, didn't like people coming up to him and saying stuff. And I, I'm sure all of that's difficult to live with when it's happening over and over. But, like, that was what I think about '95. Seinfeld was well entrenched by then. 

[00:18:16] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:18:17] Chris: That would have to be a big deal to get to go on Seinfeld as a one off and... 

[00:18:25] Jeff: It was huge, yeah. 

[00:18:27] Chris: Seems like he didn't appreciate it, like he should have.

[00:18:32] Jeff: I read, I didn't read in a lot of detail, but I did read where he was, he had started to make appearances as the Soup Nazi character. Like, he would do signings or whatever and, you know, he would kind of play the part of the character. So I guess he embraced it later on. 

[00:18:48] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:18:49] Jeff: I mean, I can understand how it'd be annoying. You know, you're this actor or whatever and you're trying to make it, but my God, like, that's a cash cow I would think. 

[00:18:59] Chris: You would sure think so. 

[00:19:01] Jeff: So the Soup Nazi is based on a real life character named Ali Yeganeh. He ran a place on 55th Street in Manhattan called the International Soup Kitchen, and later on it became a chain called The Original Soup Man, that's what it was called. And they had chain restaurants all around the country for a while. Their, uh, CFO though, I didn't know this, he was indicted for income tax evasion. So the whole company went bankrupt. 

[00:19:33] Chris: Uh oh. 

[00:19:34] Jeff: Yeah. OK. So I found this funny, interesting and funny. This is from Wikipedia. "In a profile of Yeganeh and Soup Kitchen International, published in the New Yorker in 1989, both the small restaurant's popularity and Yeganeh's obsessive focus on his customer's behavior were noted. Despite having Iranian origin, Yeganeh was described as an American with a bit of a Spanish accent in the article. Yeganeh was quoted in the article as saying, 'I tell you, I hate to work with the public. They treat me like a slave. My philosophy is the customer is always wrong, and I'm always right.' Yeganeh explained his strict philosophy about customer behavior by noting that 'Whoever follows my rules, I treat very well. My regular customers don't say anything. They are very intelligent and well educated. They know I'm just trying to move the line.' However, the writer noted that customers who stalled or complained would be bypassed and quoted one person in line as advising others, 'Just don't talk. Do what he says.'" This is straight from the episode.

[00:20:43] Chris: Damn, that's, yeah, exactly. 

[00:20:46] Jeff: It's amazing. Yeah. It was a real guy. So according to, uh, I had to look this guy up, but it's a writer for television shows, Spike Feresten. According to this guy, Jerry Seinfeld and several members of the production team went to Soup Kitchen International for lunch weeks after The Soup Nazi aired, despite Feresten warning Seinfeld that Yeganeh was now well aware of the episode and was not pleased with the attention it had brought him. Upon recognizing Seinfeld, Yeganeh "did a triple take" and then went into a profanity-filled rant about how the show had ruined his business, demanding an apology. Seinfeld allegedly gave what Feresten describes as "the most sarcastic apology I've ever seen anyone give", upon which Yeganeh then ejected him, them from the restaurant shouting, "No soup for you" in the process.

[00:21:44] Chris: How would that ruin his business? Man, I think that would drive them there. 

[00:21:48] Jeff: I know it. 

[00:21:49] Chris: Like I gotta see this. 

[00:21:52] Jeff: That's why I remember, um, I remember hearing that that chain restaurant was based on that guy, The Original Soup Man. And then hearing that it was no longer in business. I'm like, how could that be? Like, just that alone, one episode, you would think that people are gonna want to try the soup. 

[00:22:11] Chris: Right? 

[00:22:12] Jeff: Yeah. I had it once. I didn't, I don't remember what I had. 

[00:22:16] Chris: Did you? 

[00:22:16] Jeff: But I didn't. Yeah. I didn't think it was, I didn't have to sit down like Elaine did, when she tasted it. And get this. This is, you know, I figured Seinfeld kind of brought this about, but evidently not, because the Soup Nazi character in Seinfeld, again from Wikipedia, was not the first time that Yeganeh was referenced in film. According to Nora Efron's DVD commentary, the first pop culture reference to Yeganeh, though they didn't mention his name, occurs in the 1993 movie Sleepless In Seattle, which Efron co-wrote and directed. In the film, a magazine writer discusses a potential story, "This man sells the greatest soup you have ever eaten, and he is the meanest man in America."

[00:23:03] Chris: Hmm. So, what in the world is going on in his head, that he hates people and the public, and says, I'm gonna open a soup kitchen. 

[00:23:15] Jeff: I don't know. I don't know. I mean, evidently he's just like the Soup Nazi, like, the real guy would just tell people to get outta line. I'm not serving you, no soup for you. Like, get out. 

[00:23:30] Chris: It's hilarious and amazing. 

[00:23:32] Jeff: It is. And that whole thing about just do what he says and you'll get your soup is like George and Elaine standing in line, like they're getting prepared. I'm getting into soup mode. And then Elaine comes up there and just messes it all up.

[00:23:46] Chris: Oh, I had something happen recently. I can't remember what I was looking for. But I had ordered some food, I got the bag, and before, like right as I got the bag, I looked down in the bag to see if something was in there and it made me think of George looking for his bread. 

[00:24:05] Jeff: The first time he says, "I didn't get any bread". Jerry says, "Just let it go". 

[00:24:10] Chris: Yes. He said, "You want bread? $3." 

[00:24:15] Jeff: Yeah, that's a great character. I'm surprised you had that so low on your list. 

[00:24:20] Chris: I'm gonna tell you what. All of these are a tough decision. First of all, I have trouble ranking things anyway. I can tell you what I like and don't like. But then to start putting one ahead of the other, especially with these where they're so notable, such standouts. And again, if not for the character themselves, what the character represents in that episode. And so, yeah, it's tough to, to rank these. 

[00:24:49] Jeff: OK, so my number eight is Brody. Is Brody on your list?

[00:24:56] Chris: OK. No, and I figured he'd be on yours.

[00:25:01] Jeff: So Brody is a movie pirate. I guess that's, that's his occupation. 

[00:25:09] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:25:09] Jeff: He bootlegs movies. So he goes to theaters and films with his video camera and then sells them on the street. He is one of Kramer's friends and he gets Jerry and Kramer a ticket to Death Blow. The tickets were really hard to come by, but Brody comes, uh, about those or gets those tickets for them. And so, he gives them a ticket to Death Blow. And then they're sharing a bag of candy and Brody eats the entire bag and then he is feeling sick. So, Kramer's gotta drive him home, and then Brody pressures Jerry into filming the rest of Death Blow. Yeah. Brody's a, a funny character. As Kramer says, that Brody, he's a reasonable man, but he's insane.

[00:26:01] Chris: He's insane. 

[00:26:03] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:26:04] Chris: He comes and asks, uh, Kramer if he can borrow the bat. 

[00:26:08] Jeff: Right. 

[00:26:08] Chris: And Kramer says, you need a glove? No. 

[00:26:14] Jeff: Kramer says, relax. Jerry's a joke maker. Tell him Jerry. I'm a joke maker.

[00:26:22] Chris: I'm a joke maker. 

[00:26:23] Jeff: Yeah. All right, so that's Brody my number eight. That episode is The Little Kicks, which obviously everybody focuses on Elaine's dance.... 

[00:26:33] Chris: That's right. 

[00:26:34] Jeff: From that episode. 

[00:26:35] Chris: But her dance makes it onto Cry, Cry Again. 

[00:26:39] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:26:39] Chris: At the end. 

[00:26:40] Jeff: Yep. That's right. 

[00:26:41] Chris: You cry, and then you cry again. 

[00:26:45] Jeff: Yep. OK. Who do you got next?

[00:26:48] Chris: My number six. So, I saw this on a list and I couldn't not do it because the episode was so great. It's The Little Jerry. 

[00:26:59] Jeff: Oh wow. I don't have Little Jerry on my list. 

[00:27:03] Chris: So, not your normal character, but kind of a character on that show. 

[00:27:09] Jeff: Definitely. 

[00:27:09] Chris: And I just loved the way that played out in that episode.

[00:27:14] Jeff: So, tell our listeners, our non-familiar-with-Seinfeld listeners who Little Jerry is. 

[00:27:21] Chris: So, Kramer decides that he wants cage-free, farm-fresh eggs, goes to get a chicken, and ends up with a rooster, of course. And so, which explained Little Jerry's poor egg production. 

[00:27:39] Jeff: Uhhuh. 

[00:27:40] Chris: So, then he's out walking Little Jerry

[00:27:45] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:27:46] Chris: And what's his name? 

[00:27:48] Jeff: Marcelino. 

[00:27:49] Chris: Marcelino sees him in the store. The rooster's defending himself against a dog, finds out that he wants the rooster in a cockfight. 

[00:28:00] Jeff: Right. 

[00:28:01] Chris: So, Kramer ends up, well, Jerry gets in on it too, to help train him for a cockfight.

[00:28:08] Jeff: Yeah, that is one of my favorite episodes. I don't know. So I figured we'll have an episode in the future where we're gonna rank our top 10 episodes. I don't know if it's in my top 10, but it's, it's funny. I love that episode. Yeah. Little Jerry. We never find out what happens to Little Jerry. There is a reference with Darren the intern, that episode, that, that the apartment has chicken wire in it. And the lady at NYU says, may or may not contain a chicken . So, but we don't know. 

[00:28:44] Chris: Right. Well, But then Kramer says, and with Darren's help one day we'll get that chicken. 

[00:28:52] Jeff: That's right. 

[00:28:53] Chris: So now I'm trying to remember if that episode was before or after the Little Jerry. 

[00:29:01] Jeff: I think it was after. I have to look that up. I think it was after, so yeah, I don't know. 

[00:29:08] Chris: I'm not sure. 

[00:29:09] Jeff: All right. We're uh, down to number seven on my list. On number seven, I have Tony the mimbo. 

[00:29:17] Chris: He's number five on mine. Yep. 

[00:29:20] Jeff: Oh, OK. So we're pretty close on that one. 

[00:29:22] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:29:23] Jeff: So seven on mine, five on yours. So Tony is a mimbo, a male bimbo as Jerry says. He's dating Elaine. She is claiming that there's more to Tony than just his good looks, although we find out that's not really true. Elaine was deeply concerned about his appearance. 

[00:29:46] Chris: His face. Did something happen to his face? 

[00:29:48] Jeff: Right. He's a weekend warrior type. Um, he ends up going rock climbing with George and Kramer and, uh, George screws something up, right? And Tony takes a fall and messes up his face. So then he is mad at George, tells him to step off. I say that a lot. Step off. 

[00:30:12] Chris: So great when he is wearing his hat backwards. See I don't get that. What is up with wearing a baseball cap backwards? 

[00:30:22] Jeff: I don't know. 

[00:30:23] Chris: I mean, unless like you really are trying to protect the back of your neck from getting a sunburn or something. 

[00:30:30] Jeff: Right.

[00:30:30] Chris: Which, OK, that's got a use. But I see people go out and then turn their cap backwards. I don't get it. 

[00:30:37] Jeff: I don't either. It's a look, but I don't know why. I have something in common with Tony. 

[00:30:44] Chris: Uh oh. 

[00:30:45] Jeff: Other than our, our rugged good looks. Tony didn't like peanut butter. Remember that? 

[00:30:51] Chris: Oh yeah. 

[00:30:52] Jeff: Tony didn't like peanut butter, so George packed tuna sandwiches for the rock climbing trip. 

[00:30:58] Chris: That's right. 

[00:30:59] Jeff: And so George is all fascinated with Tony, wants to be like Tony. He says he's a cool guy and all that. And I love that scene where they're in Jerry's apartment and Kramer looks at George and says, you love him. It's so good. You love him. All right, so Tony, the mimbo is number seven on my list. Who's, who's your next one? 

[00:31:31] Chris: And he was five on mine. So now I'm down to four. Four on my list is Dolores. Mulva. 

[00:31:40] Jeff: Yeah. Now. OK. Yeah, we'll let this slide. Technically she was in two episodes. 

[00:31:47] Chris: Yes. 

[00:31:48] Jeff: Besides, I mean, she wasn't in the finale, I don't think. But she was in two episodes, but barely in that second one.

[00:31:56] Chris: Barely. Yeah. So that whole episode, what they did with her was just classic. Well, and I, I remember reading this before. I had forgotten it and came across it not too long ago, was, I mean, the whole idea in the show was Jerry had met this girl, didn't they meet at the supermarket I think?

[00:32:19] Jeff: Supermarket, Yeah. 

[00:32:20] Chris: Yeah. But he had forgotten her name and then they were on a, did they go out. I don't know, she was at his apartment, and he was like, it's too late now to ask her her name. And so he kept trying to guess her name and playing games, you know, saying, did people ever make fun of your name? She's like, well, yeah. What do you expect when your name rhymes with the part of the female anatomy? So... 

[00:32:48] Jeff: Yep. 

[00:32:49] Chris: He's going through... 

[00:32:50] Jeff: He starts looking around.

[00:32:51] Chris: All kinds of stuff. Yes. 

[00:32:53] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:32:55] Chris: And quizzing George, what could they come up with? Which is, George was the one who came up with Mulva. 

[00:33:03] Jeff: Yeah. Hest. Celeste. 

[00:33:09] Chris: Yes. But this was what I had forgotten, I, what I read before and forgot was that they initially thought that they were going to call her Cloris and someone in the audience before the show, when they were saying, hey, what do you think her name is? And someone said, Dolores. And they ended up going with that.

[00:33:35] Jeff: That's amazing. 

[00:33:36] Chris: Yeah. That's awesome. 

[00:33:38] Jeff: I wonder who that person is. That's probably their claim to fame. 

[00:33:41] Chris: No kidding. Yeah, that'd be very cool. 

[00:33:45] Jeff: So I had an uncomfortable moment after that episode aired. For some reason, me and my parents were playing Monopoly, which that never happened. But somehow we got on that episode talking about it, and, my dad said, well, that doesn't really rhyme with anything does it? And I just tried to avoid the whole question and just move on. Let's just change the subject. 

[00:34:18] Chris: That is not the conversation to have with your parents. 

[00:34:22] Jeff: No. No, it's not. 

[00:34:24] Chris: Did that ever get revisited? 

[00:34:27] Jeff: I don't think so. And uh, that, so that whole episode, that's what I remember of that whole episode, but I forget about this. It's The Junior Mint. 

[00:34:40] Chris: It's The Junior Mint, yeah. 

[00:34:41] Jeff: That, yeah. So that gets over, or that overshadows, I think, the mulva part cuz everybody's focused on the junior mint. 

[00:34:51] Chris: Yeah. I had forgotten that too till I, one time I saw it and was amazed that that was actually in the same episode. 

[00:34:59] Jeff: Yeah. Number six on my list is the Close Talker.

[00:35:05] Chris: Oh, OK. Aaron. 

[00:35:08] Jeff: Yes. Do you have him on there?

[00:35:10] Chris: I don't, no. 

[00:35:11] Jeff: I don't think I could have told you his name. So this is in the episode, or it's a two-parter, The Raincoats, right? Um, Aaron is dubbed by Jerry as being a close talker because he does just that, he stands too close. And throughout that episode, he starts hanging out with Jerry's parents, really takes a liking to them. Elaine calls him certifiably nice. Uh, just, he's like this big, goofy, innocent person who likes hanging out with Jerry's parents. And of course, Elaine just can't stand that. But this was the episode where Jerry was caught making out during Schindler's List with his girlfriend.

[00:36:00] Chris: Oh, that's right. 

[00:36:01] Jeff: So Newman catches them. Yeah. And now I didn't know this. I'm almost completely certain I did not see Schindler's List until after I saw this episode. I don't know when this would've been. It was right around the time of Schindler's List, but I didn't see Schindler's List until I, a few years after it had been released. But, so there's that in the episode where Jerry's making out during the movie. But at the end when Jerry's parents are going back home to Florida, the Close Talker is, is at the airport gate, right. And he's, they get on the plane and he's saying, I could've done more. I could've done so much more. And that's a reference to Oscar Schindler from, from the Schindler's List, talking about how he could've, you know, saved more or whatever.

[00:36:52] Chris: I knew it was from a movie and I couldn't remember that's what it was from. OK, well that's even better. So I have a confession there. I've never seen Schindler's List. 

[00:37:03] Jeff: Are you kidding me? 

[00:37:05] Chris: No, I'm not. 

[00:37:06] Jeff: Well OK. I'm gonna be like Peterman with The English Patient. Stop everything right now. We're going. Well, OK, you should see it. But I, this goes without saying maybe, but it is not a, not a happy movie. 

[00:37:22] Chris: See, I think that's why I never saw it. I mean, at the time, I was in college when it was out, so definitely not a movie I was gonna go see then, I'm sure. 

[00:37:36] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:37:36] Chris: And then I don't know what happened. It just never came up again. So... 

[00:37:41] Jeff: And the war was already over. 

[00:37:43] Chris: Right? 

[00:37:45] Jeff: Yeah. It's, it is a great movie, but definitely intense. Um, so, you know, uh, Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer. I don't know if you knew that, but he was... 

[00:37:57] Chris: No, I didn't. 

[00:37:58] Jeff: Yeah, a Nazi sympathizer. And I don't know if they still do this, but every year Schindler's List is aired on NBC, or it was up until just a few years ago. And they would air it commercial free, sponsored by Ford. So it's Ford's way of trying to...

[00:38:19] Chris: Really? 

[00:38:20] Jeff: Make up for Henry's, yeah, yeah, Nazi ties. 

[00:38:24] Chris: Wow. 

[00:38:25] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:38:26] Chris: That's pretty big. 

[00:38:28] Jeff: So the Close Talker is played by Judge Reinhold. Do you know him from anything else? I know him from a couple of things. 

[00:38:37] Chris: Again, he looks familiar, but can't place why. 

[00:38:42] Jeff: So he was one of the detectives in Beverly Hills Cop. That might have been the first thing I saw him in. 

[00:38:49] Chris: OK. Yep. 

[00:38:52] Jeff: And then he is in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Have you seen that? 

[00:38:57] Chris: I never saw that one. 

[00:38:59] Jeff: OK. Well you need to watch that one too. We'll just have a back-to-back feature. 

[00:39:03] Chris: Yeah. Wow, both of those were a long time before though. 

[00:39:08] Jeff: Yeah they were. So Fast Times I think is '81 or '82, something like that. Yeah. 

[00:39:13] Chris: And then Beverly Hills Cop I think was '83. 

[00:39:18] Jeff: '83 or '84, yeah, something like that. Anyway, that's what I, those are the two things I know him from. Every once in a while I see him pop up on something, but you know, no, nothing really major. OK. Who's next on your list? 

[00:39:32] Chris: Sidra. 

[00:39:34] Jeff: Oh my God. She's not on my list either. 

[00:39:38] Chris: They're real and they're spectacular.

[00:39:41] Jeff: Yeah, definitely. Although, well. 

[00:39:48] Chris: Although... 

[00:39:48] Jeff: There's a movie, I think it's called Heaven's Prisoners, we need to look this up. It had Teri Hatcher, who plays Sidra, and Alec Baldwin. And I remember liking the movie, but Teri Hatcher has a topless scene in that movie. And I remember hearing that before I saw the movie and looking forward to it because they're real and they're spectacular. But I gotta say I was kind of let down. 

[00:40:22] Chris: Not so spectacular? 

[00:40:24] Jeff: No, not so spectacular. Nothing of what I had built up in my mind as how they were gonna be. Yeah. 

[00:40:30] Chris: Well that's a shame. 

[00:40:32] Jeff: Yeah, it was. 

[00:40:33] Chris: Was uh, like a lot of time passed between Seinfeld and that movie? 

[00:40:39] Jeff: Well, what year was that, that episode? That was like '94 '95? 

[00:40:44] Chris: Four or five, yeah. 

[00:40:46] Jeff: Yeah. And I think Heaven's Prisoners is just a few years after that, so. 

[00:40:51] Chris: Oh. She should have still been in good shape. 

[00:40:54] Jeff: I agree. So why do you like Sidra other than the obvious ? 

[00:40:59] Chris: Well, you know, she has a, what is that? The features that... 

[00:41:05] Jeff: Prized by the superficial man? 

[00:41:07] Chris: Yes. 

[00:41:08] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:41:10] Chris: She's all right. But yeah, I mean, that line coming from, well, the whole thing. I mean, Elaine fell on her 

[00:41:20] Jeff: Yeah.

[00:41:21] Chris: In the, the steam room and then that line coming out of there. And that, now that was one of the, I mean, we excluded the finale. She was in the finale, but it was Jackie Chiles who said in the finale, by the way. 

[00:41:39] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:41:39] Chris: They're real, and they're spectacular. 

[00:41:42] Jeff: So the whole thing is Jerry is trying to figure out if, if Sidra, if her boobs are fake, right, if she's had a boob job. And Elaine's, like, pretty soon you're gonna find out for yourself. And Jerry's like, well, I wanna know now. So he has Elaine, you know, investigate. He says, do a little investigative journalism, and, uh, yeah, meets her in the sauna and then accidentally trips and falls on her and tells Jerry they're real. You know that Jane Mansfield had some big breasts. That's Jerry's line...

[00:42:19] Chris: That's great. 

[00:42:20] Jeff: To try to, to broach the topic. All right. Uh, and he was right by the way. That Jane Mansfield, she did. 

[00:42:29] Chris: Yeah, she did. 

[00:42:32] Jeff: OK, number five. We're down to number five on my list. Number five is Jimmy. Did Jimmy make your list? 

[00:42:39] Chris: He did, but he's number one on my list.

[00:42:43] Jeff: Oh, wow. Number one. All right. Yeah. 

[00:42:46] Chris: That episode is so great. 

[00:42:49] Jeff: One of my favorites, The Jimmy. So for those, for the uninitiated, Jimmy, uh, stars in the episode called The Jimmy, and Jimmy is a person who talks in the third person. So, Jimmy's doing this, Jimmy's doing that, Jimmy holds grudges, whatever else he says.

[00:43:11] Chris: Jimmy's going into shock. 

[00:43:13] Jeff: Yeah. George really takes a liking to him. And so George starts talking in the third person. And that's one of those lines, kind of like they're real and spectacular, it outlives that episode because after that, George, at least a couple of times, says, George is... something.

[00:43:35] Chris: George is getting upset. George likes his chicken spicy. 

[00:43:38] Jeff: Yes. Yes. Those two things. Yeah. The Jimmy. 

[00:43:44] Chris: So great. That's the one too, where Kramer says, I let the expletives fly. 

[00:43:51] Jeff: Yeah, yeah. 

[00:43:52] Chris: In the dentist's office. 

[00:43:54] Jeff: Yep. The dentist office where Jerry thought he might have been violated. . I love how, this is off topic from Jimmy, but that same episode, Jerry thinks he was violated while he was under the gas in the dentist office. And Elaine says, so you were violated while you were under the gas. Big deal. Like it's just not a big thing. 

[00:44:19] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:44:20] Jeff: I love that line. 

[00:44:21] Chris: Well, and then he says, but I'm damaged goods now. 

[00:44:24] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:44:24] Chris: She says, join the club. 

[00:44:27] Jeff: Yeah. Right. That's the one, uh, see, it's such a good episode. It's one of my favorites. Uh, they think, or Kramer gives the impression that he is mentally challenged cuz he's wearing those special shoes that Jimmy was, you know, Jimmy's training shoes. And Kramer's been to the dentist, so he is drooling all over the place. Can't talk right. 

[00:44:50] Chris: Can't talk. 

[00:44:50] Jeff: They think he's mentally challenged. So he ends up at a benefit with Mel Tormé. OK. 

[00:44:58] Chris: But that's when Elaine says, well, he is gonna show up and they're gonna see that he's not. And Jerry's like, well, not necessarily. 

[00:45:10] Jeff: OK. Who's next on your list? 

[00:45:14] Chris: Next on my list was Jane/Erica. 

[00:45:19] Jeff: Oh, wow, OK. 

[00:45:20] Chris: In The Stall. 

[00:45:22] Jeff: I considered Jane, but I didn't, I didn't put her on there. But yeah. Tell us about Jane.

[00:45:30] Chris: So that is actually the same episode that Tony the mimbo was in. 

[00:45:35] Jeff: It is, yeah. The Stall. Yep. 

[00:45:37] Chris: Yeah. But I, I love that episode surrounding that, that whole story part. So Elaine is trying to borrow toilet paper in the stall and the lady that's in there won't give it to her, says she can't spare a square. So turns out Jerry is dating this person. This was in the stall at the movie theater. And turns out Jerry's dating her. So when Jerry figures out, cuz she comes back and tells Jerry what happened. Then the next day Elaine is telling Jerry what happened. He puts it together and says, uh oh. Like, I can't let these two meet. 

[00:46:23] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:46:23] Chris: And so then he's trying, they do see each other, but he tries to keep her from talking to Elaine so she wouldn't recognize the voice. But the best part of the whole thing is she's got this double identity going on. 

[00:46:43] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:46:43] Chris: Where she is doing phone sex and Kramer has been talking to her on, what, like 976 numbers back then? Whatever it is. 

[00:46:54] Jeff: Yeah. Back when they were 976. Yeah. 

[00:46:58] Chris: And her name to Kramer was Erica. 

[00:47:03] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:47:04] Chris: And it's not until the end of the show that you know for sure that...

[00:47:11] Jeff: Right.

[00:47:12] Chris: Kramer has the suspicion that it's her. 

[00:47:15] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:47:15] Chris: It's not until the end of the show that you find out for sure that it was, but it's just so great how it all comes together. 

[00:47:23] Jeff: It is. He said his name was Andre. They're gonna do it in a cab. What about the driver? 

[00:47:31] Chris: What about the driver?

[00:47:36] Jeff: OK. 

[00:47:37] Chris: So now you gotta finish your list cuz now I'm done. 

[00:47:40] Jeff: Yeah, you're, you're all maxed out, right? So I have number two, number one. I'm really surprised, I'm not gonna say disappointed in you, but I'm really surprised that these two did not make it on your list. Number two is Jean-Paul. 

[00:47:57] Chris: I had him on my list, but I, I had to cut him. He just, yeah, he didn't make it. 

[00:48:06] Jeff: So Jean-Paul, uh, again, number two on my list, he was in the episode, The Hot Tub. He is a marathon runner from Trinidad and Tobago, who somehow knows Elaine. I don't remember how they met, but the backstory is he's in town. Uh, well the backstory is he overslept at the Olympics, right? And so he missed out on running the marathon at the Olympics. He's now in New York City to run the marathon there. Jerry's all worried about Jean-Paul oversleeping again. And so he is hounding Elaine to make sure that he wakes up on time. And then he says that, you know, Elaine can't be trusted or whatever. So Jerry kind of takes him under his wing to make sure he wakes up on time. What makes it so funny is that this is the episode where George is meeting with the people from the Houston Astros , and they're talking, they're calling everybody bastards and sons of bitches and all that. And so that rubs off on George, and George starts doing that in the coffee shop.

And Jean-Paul hears this and George says, yeah, that's how they talk in the big leagues. So Jean-Paul's like, OK, well that's how I'm gonna talk. And so he's walking around calling everybody a son of a bitch and a bastard and all that. And it's so good. 

[00:49:32] Chris: Finally pisses off the wrong person. 

[00:49:35] Jeff: Yeah. He, uh, or a woman who we know had a kid, a child, that, with a man that she wasn't married to, right. The, the guy ran off. But then they meet in the hall and Jean-Paul says, oh, look at the cute little bastard. And then the, the super comes and, or the landlord, whoever, and says, why are you harassing my tenants? And he says, relax, you son of a bitch. I'm just trying to be friendly. 

[00:50:04] Chris: Kicks him out. 

[00:50:06] Jeff: Yeah. I cannot hear the time 8:47 without thinking of Jean-Paul, because that's the time that he wakes up in Jerry's apartment. Jerry comes screaming, it's 8:47. He says, 8:47?, And the marathon starts at 9:00. 

[00:50:25] Chris: I could not have told you that time. That's funny that that stands out. 

[00:50:31] Jeff: And you'll know this, but at Tom's Diner in New York, which is the set, it's the outside is what you see, but it's Monk's Coffee Shop in Seinfeld, but inside Tom's Diner, like they have Seinfeld stuff and there is an autographed picture from the guy who played Jean-Paul, which I had to look this up. His name is Jeremiah Birkett. He's got an autographed picture to Tom, who owns the place. And on that autographed picture, Jeremiah Birkett wrote "Tom is a cute little bastard."

[00:51:08] Chris: That's so great. 

[00:51:10] Jeff: I was really happy when I saw that. And of course I took a picture of it. OK, number one, again, can't believe this one's not on your list, Mr. Bookman. 

[00:51:22] Chris: I knew he was gonna be way up there on yours. 

[00:51:27] Jeff: So Mr. Bookman is a library cop. Um, his whole job is to track down people who have not paid their fines, not return their library books. And so he's tracking down Jerry, who supposedly did not return Tropic of Cancer back in 1971 or two, whatever it was. And man, so Phillip Baker Hall is the actor, and he delivers his lines like so well, and it's just hilarious. And that scene with him and Jerry in Jerry's apartment, Jerry can barely keep it together. Like he is smiling through the whole thing just about. And there are a couple times when he just almost loses it. 

[00:52:16] Chris: There were some real outtakes on that, bloopers. They, they had a hard time getting through it. 

[00:52:22] Jeff: Yeah. The way Mr. Bookman talks about Jerry, I know you're type, flashy, making the scene. Talks about kids opening a book, seeing drawings of peepees and weewees. Maybe that's how you get your kicks Seinfeld. Maybe that's what turns you on. And then I think about this every time I hear, this is how warped I am with Seinfeld, and I know you are too. But you hear a word and you can't help but think of an episode. 

[00:52:53] Chris: Oh yeah. 

[00:52:54] Jeff: Every time I hear librarian or anybody reference the librarian, I think of his line when Kramer's in with Marion the librarian. And Mr. Bookman says, I remember a time when the librarian was a much older woman. We didn't know anything about her private life. We didn't wanna know anything about her private life. Just the way he delivers it. 

[00:53:16] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:53:17] Jeff: It's just so good. 

[00:53:19] Chris: That guy just recently died. 

[00:53:21] Jeff: He did, yeah. 

[00:53:22] Chris: Yeah. 

[00:53:23] Jeff: He's one of those actors, I don't know that he ever played anything major, or at least not that I saw. He was always like a secondary character, but he was always really good. 

[00:53:32] Chris: Yeah, he had a, it's probably, I mean, it was a recurring role, but it may have only been two or three episodes on Modern Family some years ago. 

[00:53:42] Jeff: OK. 

[00:53:43] Chris: But yeah. 

[00:53:44] Jeff: I know him also from Boogie Nights. Do you like Boogie Nights? Have you seen it?

[00:53:50] Chris: I've seen it. I think I only saw it once though, so I don't remember a lot of it. 

[00:53:56] Jeff: OK. So, that's my number one. My number one, one-hit wonder. We'll call these Seinfeld one-hit wonders. You've got some honorable mentions, right? So, lay those on us. 

[00:54:09] Chris: Yeah, so the Low Talker was one. That was from The Puffy Shirt episode.

[00:54:16] Jeff: Right. 

[00:54:17] Chris: Donna Chang, the Chinese woman. 

[00:54:20] Jeff: Wow. I forgot about her. I don't think I would've put her on my list, but yeah. 

[00:54:24] Chris: Yeah. Then, and I couldn't have told you this name. I just know the character. Jeannie Steinman. 

[00:54:32] Jeff: Oh, hold on. Don't tell me who that is. Jeannie. Oh, that's Jerry's fiance? 

[00:54:37] Chris: Yes. In The Invitations.

[00:54:39] Jeff: Wow, OK. Yes. 

[00:54:40] Chris: And technically, she was also in the next episode, which was the first episode of the next season, but it was a flashback. All right, I question having this one literally on the list is Sid. 

[00:55:01] Jeff: Oh, the guy, the car that parked the cars. 

[00:55:03] Chris: Yes. 

[00:55:04] Jeff: Yeah. 

[00:55:05] Chris: He was a good character. 

[00:55:07] Jeff: Yeah, he was. Yeah. 

[00:55:09] Chris: That's a great, great character there. And then Alton Benes, Elaine's dad. 

[00:55:16] Jeff: Oh, I thought about him. Yes. Yeah. 

[00:55:19] Chris: He was really good in his character. And there were a couple of things just surrounding that that were so great. One, when George was imitating him, said he had to go to the bathroom. 

[00:55:33] Jeff: Yeah. That whole scene when they're in the lobby of the hotel waiting on Elaine and they're trying to make conversation with that guy and they're terrified is so good. And I think that's the first episode, so this recurs a lot, but where Jerry is leaving and George tugs at his, his like jacket or shirt, and Jerry has to pull away real, really fast. I think that's the first time that occurs. 

[00:56:02] Chris: I think you're right. Yeah. And that's an early, that's a pretty early one. 

[00:56:07] Jeff: It is. It's an early one and it's a good one. It's one of those good early ones. 

[00:56:10] Chris: Probably the thing that stands out the most to me in that one was when George and Jerry had gone into the bathroom and George was saying, let's get outta here. And Jerry was like, how do we do that? Like, what are we gonna do? What are we gonna say? And he said, George said, we'll tell him that we're frightened and we have to leave. 

[00:56:30] Jeff: Yeah. And then, uh, that's the one where, see, we could just go down a rabbit hole of all this stuff, but that's the episode where George cannot get that song from Les Misérables, I think it is, out of his head. And Jerry tells him that there was a composer a long time ago who went crazy because he couldn't get a note out of his head. So George is all freaked out about that. But as they're about to walk to the restaurant from the hotel, George is singing and Elaine's dad says pipe down, Chorus Boy. I love that. But at the end, remember they're showing him driving the car and he started singing it.

There you go. Those are Seinfeld one-hit wonders. So, yet another episode in the books. If you like this kind of stuff, then please follow us, subscribe to us, whatever platform you're listening to this on. That way you will get new episodes delivered to your device automatically. You don't even have to do anything. And while you're there, go ahead and rate us. If you are so inclined, please give us five stars. And while you're there, go ahead and write something. It doesn't matter what you write, just as long as you put something there, that'll be great. Tell us your favorite Seinfeld characters, your favorite one-hit wonders, whatever. Doesn't matter. If you leave a comment there that makes it easier for people to discover this show. You can also visit our website. That is You can email us there, leave us a voicemail. We love reading what listeners wrote and hearing from listeners too. You can follow us on social media. On Twitter, we are @subpartalks. On Facebook, we are Subpar Talks. If you wanna follow our personal Twitter accounts, on there, I am @independentjeff. 

[00:58:32] Chris: And I am @chrisbradfordtx. 

[00:58:36] Jeff: And finally, go ahead and get the word out. Share this with your friends, families, colleagues, whoever, people on the street corner, just random people you encounter from day to day. Let them know about Subpar Talks. The more listeners we have, the easier it is for us to get this content to you each and every week. And I was thinking earlier, Seinfeld is objectively the greatest sitcom ever. Like there's no argument, right? Like it is, it's the best. 

[00:59:09] Chris: It is. 

[00:59:10] Jeff: So yeah, I don't think there's any debate on that. Kind of like Poppy with abortion, there can be no debate. That's it. Uh, so yeah, we will revisit Seinfeld, um, and do something else with that series, I'm sure, from time to time on this podcast. All right, there you go. That is another episode of Subpar Talks, and until next week, so long.

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