Subpar Talks
April 18, 2023

E36 - The Seinfeld Trivia Drinking Game

Take a listen as we try to answer some difficult Seinfeld trivia questions. The penalty (or reward?) is that we have to take a shot if we get one wrong. Oh, mama! It’s the Seinfeld Trivia Drinking Game! Oh, and if you’re playing along, the links in the episode notes contain some spoilers. 

 Hosted by Chris and Jeff


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This week,it's a battle of Seinfeld wits and tolerance for alcohol.Welcome to Subpar Talks.Hey everybody,welcome to Subpar Talks where we have conversations about everything.I'm Jeff.


And I'm Chris.


Thank you for joining us again.And of course you know what's coming by this point.It is our standard disclaimer,listen to discretion is advised for this podcast.We like to curse from time to time and depending on the episode,we will touch on some mature subject matter and we inject our humor into all of this stuff.So if that is not your thing,then maybe we're not your type of podcast.But for the rest of you,sit back,relax,because here we go with this week's topic.All right.If you know anything about this show,you know,Chris and I are big Seinfeld fans.And I feel like there's not an episode that goes by where we don't reference Seinfeld at least once.Would you say that's pretty accurate?


That's pretty accurate.


Yeah.And I can't tell you,I mean,this show is,I don't know if this is the right term,but it's warped my brain and probably yours too,because...




On a daily basis I will think of the show and think of elements in the show and sometimes,actually usually,when that happens,I don't have anybody to share that with.So I think it all like,kind of comes out on this show.




Um,I can do that with my wife and then I can reference stuff with you.But most other people,my references are gonna go over their head.So...


So I had a,an incident not too long ago where I was waiting for something to end and I was told,hey,this is the last thing.I said I have based my whole afternoon on knowing that this is the last thing.I was like,based my whole life on knowing that D is the biggest.


Yep.See,I get that.


Yeah.And I,I feel I can hear myself.It's,it's what I think,but it's also the way I say things.Right.My,my delivery is based on delivery.That was in the show too,and it's,yeah.Yeah,it's,it's changed my sense of humor in that way.I know exactly what you mean.So I had this idea for an episode where we would ask each other Seinfeld trivia questions and I thought,oh,we can't just ask trivia questions and there have to be some consequences or some reward or so,And maybe this,what we're doing falls into both categories,but we've decided that we're gonna ask each other questions.And if we get one wrong,then we are taking a shot.Now,in the interest of not dying,we're gonna see how we do.Uh,we might end up taking sips or I,I don't know what,but I've.I've got my fireball.That's my go-to.Hard stuff.What do you got next to you?So I made royal fuck shots.All right.How many you got ready to go?At least three,maybe four.Probably four.Okay.Well,I haven't looked at your questions that are the ones I'm asking you yet.So I don't know if this,how many do you have?Well,I got,I got,I brought the big one.All right.Oh,and it's the real stuff too.Oh yeah.Not the convenience store.Not that shit.They're selling at the grocery store,the malted liquor.Right.So what is that,40%?Is that an80proof?I'm scared to look.Yeah,it is.33%by volume66proof.Okay.Yeah.So Crown is around that.I don't know.It's30.Yeah,it's30to40.Easy.So,all right.We should


be about equivalent then,man.Yeah.So my plan was to go to chat G P T and start talking to it and tell it what we are doing.And to come up with some Seinfeld trivia questions.And that's what I did,and I told it.We know more about Seinfeld than most people do.Like we are.Was it last week's episode or a couple of weeks ago,or whenever we were talking about how we're not experts except maybe on a few topics.Well,this is one of them.Yeah,this would be one of them.So,Did all that with chat G P T,and it came up with some questions and let me just read some of these to you and you'll understand why we're not gonna be able to use chat g p T for this.Okay?Here's one question that chat G p t came up.In the episode,the Little kicks,what is the name of Elaine's coworker who has a very,very embarrassing dance of Elaine's


coworker that has an embarrassing dance.That's not even a


thing.That's right.That's not even a thing.You're exactly right.Uh,let's see.Here's another one.What is the name of the episode where George tries to cheat a lie detector test by saying yada yada y.That's not a thing.That's not a thing.Okay.So there's more questions like that.So I kept coming back to chat G P T and trying to get it to correct this and all that,and it wouldn't.And finally,I just typed,I hate you,and it just responded.I'm sorry you feel that way.Is there anything I can help you with?Or whatever.So,well,you could.


So that really disappoints me and chat g p


t,right?So we're not on chat.G p T and I are not on speaking terms right now.We're gonna have to repair the relationship,but I'm not there yet.Uh,I need a what?




that's surprising.It is.I figured it would be a really good source to come up with some questions.So,What I did is I found the website,this is fun they had some Seinfeld,uh,trivia questions and I went to,uh,the difficult category and this one is labeled Extreme Seinfeld Quiz.This quiz is designed to separate the true Seinfeld fanatics from the rabble.It should be attempted only by those who have watched each episode numerous times.That's us,right?We fit that category.Yeah.Yeah,definitely.Okay,so there are10questions and I'm gonna ask you,we're gonna alternate,but I'm gonna ask you questions one through10.You're gonna ask me11through20,each one will get wrong.We're taking a shot.But if it gets outta hand,We'll go to plan B,which is,I don't know what,take sips.Half a shot,sips.Yeah.Half a shot,something.Yeah.Uh,because I wanna be able to get up and walk after we're done recording this episode.


We'll see.Right.So early in the day.It's the middle of the day.The middle of the day.


Okay.Are you ready?I'm.I think.Alright,in the episode,the Stall Elaine's rock climbing boyfriend,Tony Dislikes,which kind of sandwiches.


Oh,and I just saw that episode and now I'm confused in my head.This is


Tony the mumbo,I


want to say it was peanut butter and


jelly.I'm gonna give it to you.It's peanut butter.That's the correct answer.Okay.Peanut butter.All


right.Yeah.So I was getting confused on,was that the one he didn't like or was that what George made?Was George made tuna salad


or chicken sep salad?Just,just tuna.Tuna,tuna.Tuna.Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.That was gonna be my follow up question,but yeah,see,you nailed it.It was very good.All right.You survived.Okay.Yeah,that's Tony the memo.Great character,Tony,the Mebo.Hey man,I love when they're on the rocks and George is freaking out.I know.Kramer tells them to yodel.




Oh,that's,we've talked about that,that episode,because I think you had,or we both had Tony,the memo on our favorite one time characters,right?Oh yeah,we did.But man,the step off and all that.So good.Great episode.


Yeah.Well,and the endings perfect.The ending


just,oh yeah.With sums it all,all up.Mm-hmm.Don't


call me either.All right.Here's


your question.Bring it.


What is the Bubble Boy's full


name?Oh my God.All right.Well,this came up in that episode two.Because you had the bubble boy on your list.I did,and I had him.I knew his name was Donald.I did not remember this,but you mentioned it.So his name is Donald Sanger.Excellent.It's good memory


because even though I mentioned it then,I'm not sure I could have said it now.




Yeah.But yeah.All right.One for one.


We're doing okay.All right.I think you might have,I think you might be getting ready to take your first shot.All right,


well,I got it.It's prepared


in the episode,the pothole.Elaine goes to great lengths to order a particular dish from a nearby Chinese restaurant.What is the name of the dish?


Oh,it was some kind of fish.It was,um,was it fish?I think it was a fish.That's all


I got.So you have to take at least half a shot.It is the supreme flounder.Okay.


No way.


I would've had that,but no,I wouldn't have remembered that either.No.Supreme flounder.Yeah.All right,


so what's the call?Is it the whole shot


or half the shot?I think the fact that,that you got the fish thing right?Although you didn't mention it by name.At least half a shot.Okay.Here we go.All right.Drink up.Those are good,by the way,those royal fuck shots.Mm-hmm.It's good stuff goes down smooth.Sure does.Yeah,buddy.Probably too smooth.


No,I would be looking forward to the next question I miss


if Fireball didn't burn.Mm-hmm.That'd be a little scary for me because it's so good.Oh yeah.


It's good.Yeah.Yeah.All right.Yeah,late on.You may be about to take your first too.


Uh oh.I'm gonna start unscrewing the cap right now.I sure would be.I'll tell you that.All right.


All right.Who is Tobias Leahy,naggy,better known as,


what the hell?Tobias.


Tobias,Lehi.Nagi,or Nagi?N A G


Y.Naggy.Better known by.Okay,so this is gonna be,they had a nickname for this person,obviously.Mm-hmm.It's not the maestro,that's Bob Cobb.




bias,I don't think it's the,it's not the close talk.It's not the low talker cuz Tobias is a man's name.Oh man.Damn it.I don't know.I give up the smog strangler.Oh my.I would've never gotten that.I could have racked my brain.We


had to have only heard that name one time,I guess.Uh,well,you know,they showed his,they showed his mug.Because he escaped and they,yeah,just they had figured out at that point that that's who he was.Yeah.So that would've been the time that they said his name and that would be


it.So he was the one in the cop car with Jerry and George?Yeah.That


they left the door open when they


ran on her right here.I don't remember much about their conversation.But I remember him saying,oh,and landers sucks.All right,here we go.All right.Bottoms up.Oh,holy shit.Oh,there it is.Oh,see?That's good.That's good.Oh,my stomach's burning.All right.Feel a fire going down?I do.Yeah.All right.I feel InVigor invigorated.Well,yeah.Feel vigorous worked out with a dumbbell.Okay.Number three.In the episode,the muffin tops,Elaine Chastises Mi Mr.Lipman for stealing her idea for a muffin top store.She then orders a muffin.Top of which flavor?Oh my


gosh,I've got no idea.I would just be saying something.I'm thinking something raisin,but that can't be right.You want


the correct.What's the correct answer?The correct answer is Peach.Peach.Oh,no way I would've gotten that.I do remember that cuz it's so unusual.But this,that's when she went into the store to confront him and he then he said,are you gonna order something or do you want a muffin or not?And she goes,peach.It's not top


of the muffin to you.No,no,it is.All right.Yeah,that's a full shot.


You know,Mr.Libman is one of those characters that,um,the original person playing him changed.There's an early episode where,that's right.It's a different guy.It was the one they ended up with is a lot better.


Oh,yeah.I liked him.He was,he was


great in that character.Yeah.All right.You're drinking.Here it goes.All right.That's two for.You getting royally fucked?


Yes,I am.It's more pleasant than some of the other ways I've been royally fucked because holy shit,why am a store always be a




Okay,your number three.What was the brand name of the tip calculator that Kramer and Morty gave out to residents of Del Boca Vista in return for their votes in the presidential


election?Okay.Well,Jerry got his dad a wizard.Mm-hmm.But the one they were handing out to people to try to sway the election for Kramer was a knockoff.And I think it's called the Willard.That is correct.Boom.All right.Very nice.Thank you.Yeah.The Willard.Yep.That's hilarious.


Yay.That's when


Gary got it open.Yeah.And that's when Kramer retires.Yeah.


Moves down to Florida.That's awesome.


I don't know why I remember this.I mean,it's funny,but it sticks out to me is when he tells Morty something,I don't remember what.And uh,he taps on his glasses.Yes.


That was when he first walked up.And I think that,I think that was the first episode we saw those glasses


in.I think so too.They're so over the,the top big,they're hilarious,


massive magnifying glasses.


Right.Number four.Okay.This one is multiple choice because you have to answer which one does not apply.So multiple choice here.Okay.In order to change a hundred dollars bill to buy wine for a dinner party,George is forced to purchase a variety of items from a newsstand.Which of the following items was he not required to?A Clark Bar,tic-Tac,a penthouse forum,or a newspaper.


He was not required to buy Tic-Tacs.


That's it.You got it.I love that episode.That's one of my favorite,that's one of my top10favorites.


Yeah,yeah,yeah.That's,um,better than the Chinese restaurant.But it's in that vein.It's the whole same thing,idea that yeah,they're,they're out trying to get their shit done and nothing went right.


Yeah.A hundred,I can't change a hundred and Kramer George's money.Just picking stuff off the new stand here.Steve's grabbing stuff.Yeah.All right,so you nailed that one.Tic-Tacs.All right.You're


number four.Kramer adopted a one mile stretch of which


roadway.So I have looked this up before.Mm-hmm.And I don't,there's a,there's a,an expressway they talk about in the series that is made up.And there might be two things made up.So one is Elaine was talking about the Van Wick.Mm-hmm.And I don't remember if that's real or not,but the one Kramer adopts the mile on is the Arthur Burkhart Expressway.That's correct.Mile one14.Yep.


I was gonna ask you that.It doesn't ask that,but yep,that's it.So the Van Wick is real and I think the Arthur Burkhart


is not mile one14.Clean is a whistle,man.This is,this is gonna be tough.I need to get it ready.I,I think you need to get ready.Yeah.Prepare yourself.The maestro just brought this up,the maestro.Bob Cobb is the conductor of witch orchestra.Mm.It's the


policeman's,benevolent policeman's,benevolent something.Phil Harmonic.Isn't that?What's not Phil?Harmonic?Policeman's.Evolent Benevolent Association.


Yeah,you got it.Policeman's.Benevolent Association,orchestra.Yeah.You got it.I can't believe that.Wow.I,I can't either.Policeman's benevolent and then I didn't remember what the rest of it was.That's impressive.Kramer tells Jerry that and he says,no,it's a hell of a gig.Bob Cobb,


the maestro.He's the one that got the bomb.


Here's some bal for your burn.Yeah.Who told you to put


the bomb on?The who?


See,people who know Seinfeld right now are laughing.Yeah.And then if you're not in on it does just doesn't make any sense.His character,


Jackie Child's character was so awesome,so great.


I know it.Yeah.One of the best.All right.This one will be a walk in the park for you.Oh God.You're just setting me up now.I'll probably fuck up.No.


Elaine's neighbor kept an unusually large amount of these vegetables in his apartment.It's potatoes.It's potatoes.That's a lot of potatoes.


I love that




Kramer's pulling on the doorknob to Elaine's apartment cuz he is trying to get in,cuz she dinged up a slice.And he pulls the doorknob off and then he falls into the potato guy's apartment and they have the guy who has a lot of potatoes speaking in an Irish accent.He says,oh,I don't remember that.Get the hell out here.Oh,that's right.That's funny.Oh man.Yeah.I should say this.I don't have a lot on my stomach.I had soup and crackers for lunch.Oh.And now I've had,I've only had one shot of Fireball and I think I'm feeling it.Mm-hmm.Could be.That's not a lot of substance.No,it's not.I didn't think ahead on their first ever meeting.Jerry refers to Kramer by another name.What is it?Now,okay,before you answer this question is misleading.It says on their first ever meeting,it's the first time we see them meeting,but they had known each other before cuz they met each other when Kramer moved into the building.But we don't see that until the betrayal episode when they flash back to when,right when Kramer moved in.We're talking


about the betrayal.Well,when he first meets him in that episode,


either one or the,the very first episode,he also uses this name.Jerry does,for


some reason.I'm blanking on this,but


I know it's there.How many shots have you had so far?One and a half.Okay.Kessler,you.You nailed it.Took me a second.Yeah,Kessler.So he uses that in the betrayal when they flash all the way back to however many years earlier.But in the,in the original episode,what's it called?It,it's the pilot episode.Oh,Seinfeld Chronicles.There you go.He mentions Kessler,and I think it's,that's right when he,he,uh,is upset that he gave the,he gave Jerry the results of the Mets.Jerry had taped it.Oh yeah.Yeah.He says,well,the Mets really blew it today.Huh?Yeah.


I forgot.Yeah.Think that's the only episode where his name was


Kessler.Yeah.Yeah.After that it's changed.


After that Kramer.Yeah.But there was a year in between.That's the other thing.They did the pilot episode.In89,right?Yeah.It was another year before they filmed the next four episodes.That made up the true season one.So I guess they got the real Kramer's permission during that year,


I guess.So.Did he get paid for that?


I don't know.I would think so,but I don't know.


You know,he actually gave a,a reality to her,the real kram.Gave a tour in New York City.Well that


would be about like the real Peterman tour.Like who does somebody really want to go on the Real Kramer tour?I know.I dunno.


I gotta go hose the puke off the bus.All right,


here we go.You are number.We're on number six.Yeah.All right.Elaine,once unwittingly stole an idea from a,for a cartoon.From a comic strip,what was the name of the cartoon that she ripped


off?Oh yeah.Okay.You know that episode's just Okay.To me,it's the one,it's one of the ones that has Sally Weaver in it,and I find her charact.Well,I find Kathy Griffin annoying.Oh,Sally Weaver's character is really,really annoying.I think


Kathy Griffin's


kind of being herself.Yeah,maybe.Yeah.Not much acting going on there.I think I've got that.I think that's all in the same episode.Maybe I'm wrong,but the comic strip,the cartoon is Ziggy.Yes.And Peterman.Loved Ziggy.He had a,he recognized it.He's the one who recognized it as a


Ziggy?Yeah.Yeah.And,and how was he gonna verify


that?Uh,it was in his archives.Yeah.


And do you remember why,why Elaine thinks she


picked it up?Was it with putty?Putty like Ziggy?Yeah,but there was something specific.Um,I don't remember that.His sheets.Oh,Ziggy bed sheets.That's right.Yes.Yes.I just haven't seen that a lot just because of that Sally Weaver part.Yeah,the stuff with Elaine is funny.It is,


but no,I can't,I can't stand the Sally Weaver character and no,I don't like Kathy Griffin,


period.Yeah.And I didn't.I don't read The New Yorker.It seems kind of pretentious,the New Yorker.But ever since that episode,anytime I see,uh,it doesn't happen a lot.But I have seen cartoons in the New Yorker or from the New Yorker,and I totally get the bit from Seinfeld now that I don't even know,I don't even know what that means.I don't even know what they're talking about.Right.Like it's.It's either not funny or it's over my head,but either one I'm not laughing at it.Or how about maybe they're just


making it up.


Right.Even they couldn't tell you.Yeah.I like the kitty.Okay.Are we on number seven?Am I already on number seven with you?We're on number seven.Wow.Okay.If you don't get this,Okay,now you're setting me up.I,I would be willing to bet a lot.You're gonna get this.In fact,you know what I,I,I'll drink the entire thing of Fireball that I have right here.If you don't get this.Oh.So obvious.Whoa.Okay.That's how confident I am.In your knowledge of this question,what score did Elaine originally get on the IQ test she took for George?Hmm.It's one of the funniest lines in the whole series.Great.




You know Jerry's looking out the window when George says that.Yes.And when?And Jerry says what?And he laughs.But I think Jerry Seinfeld is actually laughing at that.I think


so.Yeah.He does look like that.I like those episodes where you can tell he's about to lose


it.It's so great.Yes.It makes it even funnier.Yeah.Yeah,it really does.When he says,cut that fat bastard up,he's about to lose it.Yes.He can't.Yeah.Um,before Kramer sets his hair on fire,they cut to Jerry and he's about to lose it there and just Oh,really?Yeah.Yeah.There's some others.It was so.Uh,what did Elaine get the second time on her IQ test?152,I think it was152.1150.151,okay.Yeah.Yeah.Which is,that's like genius category,right?Yeah.


And she was guaranteeing what,


like a145,150,oh oh,maybe145?Yeah.Maybe.151.Yeah,that sounds right.Yeah.Oh,man.That's one of my favorite episodes too.Yeah,


that's really good.Oh,I love the scenes of them and,and the,uh,Restaurant,the Pakistani


restaurant and yeah,the Dream Cafe.




shut up.


Tell your friends.Yeah.


Okay.Alright.Oh,turn is this,is,this is your turn.Told you the fireball's already affecting me.Yep.All right,


George.Once impersonated.O'Brien to get a ride in a limo unaware that O'Brien was actually a leader of the Arian Union.What first name did George invent for himself at the


airport?Damn.You know what?As you started reading that question,I wanted you to just stop because I was like,I know.Like,you know what I mean?Like you kept saying,yeah.I was like,I know what happened here.I thought you were gonna.It got deeper,like about,yeah.It just keeps going.Okay.One of'em was Colin and the other was Dylan.Okay.Oh damn.Who was who?Who was whom?Um,Colin.I think George was Colin.Colin O'Brien.Yep,that's right.Got it.Right.Very good.Okay.I think,I think you need to mentally prepare yourself again.All right.Because I certainly don't know this when George,Elaine and Jerry are waiting for a table in the Chinese restaurant.A regular customer walks in and is seated before them.What is his name?Whoa.


I can picture that so vividly.


Like I've got the picture in my head.Yep.


And he


said he always here.Yeah,he always here.He live on Pac Avenue,but I couldn't tell you his name.Oh.Mr.Something?Yep,I have,I've


just gotta check out right there.I have no idea


the answer is Mr.Cohen.Cohen?Yeah.Okay.Not to be confused with Cartwright Cartwright.


Well,if I ever have that question again,maybe that'll be a little easier to remember.I can think.Cohen Brothers.I can think it starts with the same letter as


Cartwright.Yeah.All right.Well


I'm gonna have to do the shot on this one then.


Yeah,you are.That's you've


only.Have you only had one shot?Yeah.Okay.Well this is two full ones for me.Plus the half.I'm gonna be at


two and a half.Oh,well you only have two questions left.It's gonna be rough.Can't get much worse.Drink up.All right.He's drinking right now.It sure is


good though.I gotta


say that.See,that's the problem.It's so good


at least.It is,at least we're not drinking like a Yeager or something.Holy shit.I'd be refunding that.


Yeah,no kidding.Uh,what is,what is proof?I remember learning way back when,what proof means,but what is that,that's double the alcohol volume.But why is that?Like what is.


I don't know why.Yeah,that's all,that's all I know.Well,I may have read it at one time,but I don't know.I don't remember.No idea.Hmm.All right,I'm ready.Number eight,Kramer is mistakenly,is mistaken for a drug addict by j Peterman.In which episode?


Oh,God.Uh,so I have to give the title of the episode.Well,it's the one where Elaine keeps testing positive for opium because she's eating the poppy seeds and it's,uh,I don't think it's called the poppy seeds because it's the one where,oh,I think I got it.It's,it's the one where,uh,they're installing the low flow shower heads.So I think the episode is called the shower Head.That's right.Oh,wow.Okay.Very good.Yeah.Thank you.I'm surprised I got it,but Oh God.When he walks in there and you got the good stuff,cuz I feel like I got bugs crawling on my skin and all that and then Peter throws him out,then he tries to come back in and slams the door on him.Man,I'd love that.So great.Jerry's got nothing.Newman's got nothing.Okay.Number nine in the little Jerry Marcino tells Jerry he wants Kramer's Rooster to take a dive in.Its upcoming Cockfight.In which round?Oh God,in which round does he suggest?Little Jerry should dive.Take a dive.I think I know the answer,but that's pretty obs.I don't


even know if you can get a rooster to take a dive.Cantu.All right.It was not the first round.It was not the second round.It was round three.


You're right.It is the third round.Very good.Yeah.That's impressive.I can.


Well,I had to save myself.Right?I may be taking a dive myself.


No kidding.Okay.All right.


Yours is George once bought a car on the mistaken impression it was owned by actor John.


Stop right there.Stop right there.See these questions?I keep thinking you're gonna ask me who was the actor or whatever,and then you just keep going and I'm like,oh fuck.I know it's getting worse.Okay,go ahead.What type of car was it?Oh man.All right,so he comes in Jerry's apartment and he is waving the keys around and they're all excited.Oh,you got the new car or whatever.And Jerry says,Did you go for the Volvo?And he says,no.I went with an89LeBaron.Yep,that's right.It's a Chrysler LeBaron.Yeah.Interesting choice.Yeah.I thought consumer said Volvo was the car.What consumer?I'm the consumer.


Who did it actually belong to?


Well,it belonged to John Voigt,the Peron.There you go.


Not the actor.And he spelled his name


with an H.With an H.That is,that's the mom and pop store episode.


Yeah.Yeah,because John Voigts in the episode.Yeah.


That's when Kramer,he bites.Kramers on.Yeah.Right.And then


the episode ends with their reconstruction of,uh,midnight Cowboy,I


think.Yeah.I was gonna ask you,have you ever seen that movie?I haven't,


no.I've only read that's what it


was about.Right.But they,they,well,at the end,yeah,they're on the bus and Kramer's nose is bleeding again and all that.So I don't know the movie.I know the song,you know that George is singing.I know that song.Yeah,but I've,yeah,I've never seen the movie.You know that movie?I think it won Best Picture.It originally had a Triple X rating and it got Best Picture.Midnight Cowboy.Really?Yeah.




I didn't know that.I don't know why it has a Triple X.I think it originally had a Triple X rating,and then I think they changed it later on to R,but yeah,I don't know why.Okay,this is it.Number10.In order to save the life of a squirrel that George George's run over a veterinarian is forced to order in some tiny instruments.From where?


Oh.All right.I think I've got it.I think I've got it,but we'll see.First of all,all right,talking about going on with questions,one of the first things I thought was how much it was gonna cost to euthanize the squirrel,and it was based on weight.It was gonna cost80cents,right.But I think the instruments were coming from El Paso.


You are correct?Yes.All right.And I don't remember that.I don't remember the vet saying that so much,but I remember George recounting that on the set of the Merv Griffin Show.And Kramer says El Paso.I,what'd he say?I,I spent a week there one night,a week there.One night or Yeah,something.And that's what I remember.Yeah.Very good.You got it.That's funny.All right,your last one.You ready?I'm ready.Bring it.You might need to get ready.Uh oh.Yeah.All


right.Jerry agrees to watch the door to Mr.Pitt's apartment building so that the doorman can duck out and do what?


Oh my God.I think he says I want to grab a beer,or I,I just wanna grab a beer.Very.Is that good?Oh,


yeah.I would not have gotten


that.That's obscure too.But I can picture him saying it.That's very obscure.Yeah.


Okay.Well you won the round.I went two and two and a half and you only had one.


We're gonna have to do this again cuz honestly,I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get to drink more Fireball.I was kind of looking forward to it.You can have the honorary shot.I was gonna say,nothing's stopping me from drinking it,but it's true.


Those were cool though.Those were


good questions.Yeah.These were,you know,and they are difficult.


Yeah.Being on the difficult level,it's good stuff.Yeah.


All right.Hopefully you enjoyed that.We did.I honestly thought we'd be drinking more than we did,but we'll do this again.This is good,mark.


That just tells you what our


expertise is.There you go.Shove it.Mark.Uh,yeah,we'll do this again because there's probably,uh,it seems like an infinite supply of trivia questions for Seinfeld.So there's more where this came from.So yeah,I'd like to do this again.If you like this kind of stuff.You are our kind of people,and this is your kind of podcast,so you should absolutely go ahead and subscribe.Follow.That way,you will get new episodes delivered to you automatically every single Tuesday when they drop.And while you are there,go ahead and rate us.We would be really,really happy if you'd give us five stars and while you're there,go ahead and write something.It doesn't matter what you write,but the way these apps work is if you write something,then it makes it easier for people to discover the.We have a website.It is Subpar Talks dot com.There you can learn more about me.Learn more about Chris.You can leave us an email or a voicemail.We are always gonna read or listen to those.You can make suggestions if you want,for topics we should cover on future episodes.We will always take those into consideration.We are on social media on Twitter.We are at Subpar Talks on Facebook.We are if you wanna follow our personal Twitter accounts on there.I am at@independentjeff


and I am at Chris Bradford tx.


And we have other social media links on our website.You can check those out and last,but never,ever least share Subpar.Talks with your friends,family,colleagues,acquaintances,anybody and everybody you encounter on a daily basis.Share this on social media because the more people we have listening to this show,it makes it easier on us to get this content to you every single week.I guess this is part of my love for Seinfeld,but I want to.Trivia.I wanna keep the trivia questions going,like I just wanna read more.




But we'll save them.


Those were fun.


All right.That is another episode of Subpar Talks and until next week,so long.